Looking for skilled software developers!
Vi søger flere dygtige software-udviklere!
Cool technology comes from cool developers
Mette Nygaard, you are one brave woman! 😀👍
700 licenses in 2½ years - truly incredible!!!
What a nice homepage, isn't it? 😊
Sweden, here we come! 😊
Meet our new UX Designer, Hasse Bylov
Welcome to Lennart Pedersen!
License #300! That's something worth celebrating!
Morten Overgaard goes all in
Release of Makin' Stakeout
Kinematic on fire! (more than usual...)
Glen Seested joins team Kinematic - yes!!!
100 software licenses out - Yeehaaaa!!!
Great debut at Vei og Anlegg 2018
Kinematic and Maskinstyring establish Makin
Automatic drone inspection of wind turbine wings
SideWalking at Vejforum 2015
Meet Søren Holm, the Lucky Luke of software development!